Meet the Instoc Team...

InstocPro was borne out of a need of injecting newness into the conventional and regular way of doing stock and inventory, POS and stock movement. The product went through series of brainstorming session to emerge as a brand and a standard that we are defining for the sales business front.

Godwin Martey

Product Analyst
Razor-sharp analytical thinking was injected from the one normally referred to as 'Boss'. Having had a first hand experience himself in the art of selling, it was possible to bring gathered ideas/experience to the fore in helping with finetuning the software processes.

Mercy Tetteh

Product Analyst
From conception (needless to mention it being a natural characteristics of her kind) to seeing the realisation of the solution, Mercy started out with feedbacks that helped in charting the directions to accomplishing the task.

Cosman Agbitor

Dubbed 'Chief Security man', Cosman is an astute web applications developer, he is a devotee of seeing that the application runs on the web with the minimum of code blocks, smooth procedure calls and robust data management.

Manasseh K. Gawu

Young, talented and a versatile desktop application programmer. He came in just in time towards the rounding off of the developmental phase of the project for modifying and finetuning the logics of InstocPro till arriving at a standardized application.

Amekoudji Kouessi

Formerly a software Tutor with a reknowned educational outfit, the King Lion is creatively and analytical with all the technological approach deployed during the lifecycle of this project. There were moments of near-giving-up yet he pushed on till the dream came true.

Oladipo Olaleye

Brand/Project Manager
Known for undertaking complex, brand-driven, collaborative, and multidisciplinary projects. Olaleye favouritely called 'Bishoplee' has been responsible for seeing the project through from its concept stage to delivery, managing all evolving phases to the minutest details.